Thursday, March 27, 2008

Opening Nonstandard FilesOpening Nonstandard Files

In addition to files in its native format, Excel 2007 can open files in non-Excel 2007 formats, including older Excel and text files. Excel 2007 can open files that weren’t saved in its native format by using filters to open the foreign file as a workbook document. To open a file in a non-Excel 2007 format, follow these steps:

  • Click the Office button and then choose Open. Excel displays the Open dialog box.
  • Windows XP: In the Files of Type drop-down list, select the file type.
    Windows Vista: Click the button located above the Open and Close button and choose a file type from the menu. By default, the button text reads All Excel Files (*.xl*;*.xlsx;*.xlsm) but the text changes if you select a different file type.
  • Windows XP: In the Look In drop-down list, navigate to the folder that contains the file.
    Windows Vista: In the Folders window on the left side of the dialog box, navigate to the folder that contains the document. If the Folders window isn’t displayed, click Folders.
  • Select the file and click Open, or double-click the filename.

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