Monday, March 31, 2008

Introduction to XML and Web Services

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a simple, platform-independent standard for describing data within a structured format. XML is not a language but instead a metalanguage that allows you to create markup languages. In layman’s terms, it allows data to be tagged using descriptive names so both humans and computer applications can understand the meaning of different pieces of data.

For example, reading the following structure, it is easy to understand what this data means:

White Pine

The state capitol of Maine is Augusta. The state animal is the moose, the state bird is the chickadee, and the state tree is the white pine. Although no officially named standard markup language was used for this example, it is still a well-formed XML document. XML offers the freedom of defining your own language to describe your data as needed.

With these new languages, the number of applications (ranging from document publishing applications to distributed applications) and the number of people and businesses adopting XML continue to grow. One of the most visible XML-based technologies today is the Web service technology, where Web-based applications are able to communicate in a standardized, platform-neutral way over the Internet. As you may have guessed, this is a big reason why XML and Web services have become buzzwords. With almost 30 years of history leading up to its creation, XML may just be what the original pioneers behind generalized markup envisioned.

This tutorial will cover XML and Web services, beginning with the history of XML and including the introduction of Web services. By the end of this tutorial, you should have an idea of the problems XML was initially meant to solve and how it has evolved to what it is today.

Exploring the History of XML
Using XML in the Real World
Introducing Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services
Defining Common Terms and Acronyms

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